Preparing for Graduation

If you’re approaching graduation, congratulations! This page will help you make sure you take the necessary steps for everything to go smoothly. 


While students often use “graduation” to mean multiple things, the university uses the following terms: 

  • Graduation refers to you officially earning your B.A. degree and finishing your time as an undergraduate student. Expected Graduation Term (EGT) therefore refers to the term in which a student plans to complete their degree. Review for degree completion will begin at the end of your EGT term (which can be found on your CalCentral Dashboard).  

  • Commencement refers to the ceremonies students attend to celebrate graduation. There is both a general ceremony for all students as well as departmental ceremonies. You can walk in a spring commencement ceremony if you will officially graduate any time between the Fall semester before the ceremony to the Fall semester after the ceremony (exceptions to walk earlier or later can sometimes be made if you will be studying abroad). Check out the Commencement Website for more information.

If you will not be enrolled at UC Berkeley in your EGT term, or withdraw in your EGT term, you may need to take extra steps to keep your spot on the degree list. See the FAQ below. 

Graduation Deadlines

Click on your EGT Term below to find deadlines for: 

  • Changing your EGT term
  • Submitting an L&S Minor Completion form to your Minor Adviser
  • Completing an Incomplete grade required for graduation
  • Completing transfer coursework required for graduation
  • Submitting transcripts for transfer work required for graduation

Steps to Prepare for Graduation

1. Check your degree progress

L&S uses the Academic Progress Report (APR) to clear most students for graduation, so check this tool in your CalCentral to make sure the non-major portions of your APR accurately reflect your progress. See the Assessing Degree Progress page for more support. 

If you have any incomplete or missing grades you do not intend to finish in your academic record, we recommend seeing an L&S College Adviser regardless of what your APR says to review your unit counts. 

See your Major Adviser(s) and Minor Advisers (if applicable) if you need support confirming that your major/minor requirements are on track for completion. 

2. Confirm your Expected Graduation Term (EGT) 

Check the Academics tab on your Cal Central to find your EGT term (located under your photo). These terms are automatically issued reflecting graduation in eight semesters for freshmen or four semesters for transfers. 

If your EGT is set to the term you plan to finishand you will be enrolled at UC Berkeley during that term, you do not need to take further action.

If you want to move your EGT to a different term, see the FAQ section below for more information on moving your EGT.  

If you will not be enrolled in your EGT term, see the FAQ section below for extra steps. 

3. Declare all majors and minors in advance

Adding minors, changing majors, and adding double majors are all actions that must be taken before your EGT term. Simultaneous degrees should be added at least two terms prior to graduation. See our Majors/Minors section for more about these options. 

If you wish to change your major or declare a double major/simultaneous degree in your final semester, you will be ineligible to graduate that term and must change your EGT to a future term, even if you do not plan to be enrolled in that term (see FAQ for extra steps if you will not be enrolled). 

Possible Exception: Undeclared in EGT Term

If you are undeclared and are able to declare a major in your EGT term, you will be allowed to graduate. However, some major departments will not allow students to declare in their final term, so check with your intended major department in advance. You may need to move your EGT term if you cannot declare in your final semester. 

4. Fees, Diploma Mailing Address, and Commencement Activities

If you take the above steps, you will be reviewed for graduation at the end of your EGT term. If all degree requirements are cleared, you will be graduated. While not handled by L&S Advising, you may also need or want to take the following actions:

  • Pay off all outstanding fees in order to be eligible to request transcripts, receive your diploma, and more. See your Finances tab on CalCentral to check for outstanding balances. 
  • In CalCentral, edit your contact information to add a Diploma Mailing Address. 
  • If you would like to participate in Commencement activities (graduation ceremonies), see UC Berkeley's Commencement webpage for more information. 

Graduation FAQ

Can I move my EGT?

You can request to change your EGT. If you are changing to a current term, you must make the request prior to the deadline.

You may submit an Expected Graduation Term Change Request form if you would like to move your EGT to:

  • an earlier term
  • a summer term
  • the next Fall/Spring term and are sure you are under the unit ceiling
  • a ninth semester (fifth semester for transfers) for declared double majors

If you wish to move your EGT to a future Fall/Spring term, but are not sure you will be at or under the unit ceiling (or if you know you will be above the unit ceiling), you will need an appointment with an L&S College Adviser to see if taking extra semesters will be possible.

Learn more on our Unit Ceiling and Semester Limit page. 

Not enrolled in UC Berkeley or withdrawing during EGT term - Extra steps

Fall or Spring

If you are planning to graduate in a Fall or Spring semester and will not be enrolled in UC Berkeley during that semester, or if you withdraw from that semester, fill out the Non-Registered EGT Request form to make sure you are on the degree list. If you do not take this step, you will not be on the list of students reviewed for graduation

Taking courses at UC Berkeley Extension does not count as being enrolled at UC Berkeley. You will need to fill out this form.


If you are planning to graduate in a Summer semester and will not be enrolled, we recommend meeting with an L&S College Adviser to determine the right steps to take, as procedures for Summer degree lists are complex and more likely to change year to year. 

After Disqualification

If you were disqualified but believe you can graduate without readmission, see our Readmission After Disqualification page and review "Readmission After Disqualification for Graduation Purposes Only" to understand steps needed. 

Transfer Credit

If you are taking classes elsewhere, review the additional information below about taking coursework at another institution during your EGT term. 

Taking transfer coursework / studying abroad in EGT term

If you are completing courses at another institution in your EGT term, the academic calendar at the transfer institution must list the last day of the term as being on or before the deadline listed in the Graduation Deadlines section below. If the term ends after that deadline, even if your courses end before that date, you would need to move your EGT to the following semester.

Make sure you have satisfied your residence requirements (see Degree Requirements) before taking coursework at another institution in your final term. You should also review our Transfer Credit page to make sure your credit will transfer correctly. 

If you will not be enrolled at Cal... the “Not enrolled in UC Berkeley during EGT term - Extra steps” FAQ above.

If you are attending UCEAP in your final semester... will use the following guidelines to determine your EGT (you may need to meet with an L&S College Adviser to determine your eligibility for moving an EGT to a later semester/term): 

  • If your Fall UCEAP program ends by December 31, you should have a Fall semester EGT.

  • If your Fall UCB program ends after December 31, you should have a Spring semester EGT.

  • If your Spring UCEAP program ends by May 31, you should have a Spring semester EGT.

  • If your Spring UCEAP program ends after May 31, you should have a Summer term EGT.

  • If your plan to enroll in Summer UCEAP, you should have a Summer term EGT.

Make sure to submit your official transcripts by the deadlines for your EGT semester (see semester deadlines above).

Continuous Enrollment UC Berkeley Extension courses

Extension offers some courses that allow students to enroll anytime. These are called continuous enrollment courses. You should be aware of potential challenges these classes can present if taken during your Expected Graduation Term (EGT). 

For each EGT, there is a deadline by which any transfer coursework must be completed. The transfer coursework also must have a published last day of the term that meets this deadline. See our deadline links on this page to find specific deadlines to your EGT.

Because there is no set term for continuous enrollment courses, Extension transcripts often list an end date that does not reflect when you completed the course, but may instead reflect when the instructor finalized the grade. If the course is needed for you to graduate, this can result in you needing to move your EGT to a future term.

We recommend you work with your instructor and the Extension registrar to ensure that your Extension transcript accurately reflects the date you completed your coursework.  

Changing/Adding a Major in EGT Term

If you are declared a major and either change your major or declare a double major/simultaneous degree in your final semester, you are ineligible to graduate that term. You must move your EGT to a future term, even if you will not be enrolled (see the "Not enrolled in UC Berkeley or withdrawing during EGT term - Extra steps" FAQ above).

However, if you are undeclared and then declare a major in your final semester, you will be allowed to graduate. Some majors will not declare a student in their final term. Check with your intended Undergraduate Major Adviser for department policies. 

Incomplete Minors

If you have not completed your minor by the end of your EGT term, your EGT term will NOT automatically be moved to a future term. If you have completed all campus, university, college, and major requirements, you will be automatically graduated even if you have not completed your minor. You would need to move your EGT before you are cleared for graduation if you wished to finish your minor.

Proving you finished degree requirements or have final degree requirements in progress

To explore options for speeding up the degree review process, see the Office of the Registrar’s information under “Prove I Graduated Before Degrees Are Posted.”

If a prospective employer or graduate school needs an official statement that you will be completing your degree requirements prior to the posting of your degree, L&S College Advisers can also provide a “Letter of Intent to Graduate.” This letter will verify, during your last term, that successful completion of current courses will fulfill your remaining requirements for the degree. 

If you would like an Intent to Graduate letter, first get a statement from your Undergraduate Major Adviser verifying completion of your major requirements with in-progress coursework and make an appointment with an L&S College Adviser. An L&S College Adviser will run a progress check for your other requirements and if all requirements are complete or in progress, we will write you a letter confirming you will graduate upon successful completion of your coursework in that semester. 

Preparing for What's Beyond Graduation

Remember that we have resources on campus to help you prepare for career, graduate school, or professional school! Berkeley Career Engagement(link is external)has many career events to get you connected with prospective employers, can review resumes and help students with application packets for graduate/professional schools, and can help you strategize to make your transition to your next step go as smoothly as possible. 

If you're feeling lost about your options or are having second thoughts about whether you're heading in the right direction, you're not alone! Visit the Career Library(link is external) to do some exploration. 

Remember, your tuition covers both of the career services above, so take advantage while you're still enrolled if you can! If you're already at the end of your undergraduate experience, contact each center individually to see what services for alumni are available.