Tara Young

Job title: 
L&S College Adviser
Arts & Humanities


B.A. Sociology, New York University

M.A. Higher Education, University of Michigan

Make an appointment:

To make a virtual appointment with this adviser, book here.

About Tara

Joined the L&S Office of Undergraduate Advising in:
August 2024

What is your advising philosophy?

I’m passionate about teaching students to ask the right questions and find resources.  I am always mindful of the challenge that transitions can be, and her goal is to assist students with their own involvement in UCB by offering them options and showing them how to successfully engage in their studies.What's the best class you've ever taken?

What advice do you have for L&S students in general?

Your actions reflect your values daily. It’s easy to think we can’t change things, but that’s not true. Every day is a chance to improve, get closer to who you want to be, and keep what’s best in you while changing what doesn’t work. And future employers and grad schools want to know the real you.  Your professionalism begins day 1 at college. 

How did you get here?

Like many, I started in Admissions and student services. I had an interest in pursuing roles in higher education in academic advising or multicultural affairs. I found I am in love with undergraduate exploration and discovery. Wonderful to be in a place where your dreams drive your efforts.

About me

Two fun facts about me I love Star Trek TOS and am a trained genealogist!