Anay Martinez-Schurr

Job title: 
L&S Supervisor

Title: L&S Supervisor

About Anay

Joined the L&S Office of Undergraduate Advising in:
July 2018
M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Nevada Las Vegas, 2013
B.A., Sociology & B.A., American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California, 2011
How did you get here?
My Academic Advisor was the first person on campus who made me feel like I belonged at USC. His guidance throughout my first year was critical in helping me establish a place of my own in an institution that felt very different from anything I had previously known. My Academic Advisor became my mentor, and in my sophomore year, I realized I wanted to pursue a career within the education field. It has been my passion to help students successfully attain higher education, and since graduating in 2011, I have been a 5th-grade teacher, an Upward Bound Counselor, and an Academic Advisor at USC and now here at UC Berkeley.

What advice do you have for L&S students in general?
Take this time to learn new things, grow personally and professionally, overcome obstacles, and challenge yourself to go outside of your comfort zone. Meet fascinating people, gain new experiences, and different perspectives. You're in such a unique place to experience this growth - take advantage of all that Berkeley has to offer!
About me
I am an avid consumer of Neapolitan pizza, burritos, and deli sandwiches. I love traveling, national parks, drawing, reading, and watching classic films. I'm a big fan of Hip Hop/R&B/Soul/Salsa and all things Los Angeles.