The Honors notation on students’ transcripts is the University's way to denote the highest level of academic achievement. To maintain this standard, no exceptions can be made to any honors policy.
Distinction in General Scholarship at Graduation
Honors for overall achievement at Berkeley are noted on the transcript and diploma as Distinction, High Distinction, and Highest Distinction (roughly equivalent to cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude).
To graduate with distinction, you must meet the following criteria:
Complete at least 50 units at UC Berkeley (this may include UCB Extension XB or XBW units and units from UCDC or EAP).
A minimum of 43 of those 50 units must be letter graded and a minimum of 30 of the 50 units must be completed in residence at UC Berkeley.
- Meet the cumulative UC GPA requirement (click your graduation term below to find the cumulative GPA required for each distinction level). GPAs for each school year are released in mid to late October.
Spring 2020 grades: For students graduating Fall 2020 and later, your total letter graded units for Distinction at Graduation will include any Spring 2020 courses that were enrolled in as letter graded when the Senate Default P/NP policy went into effect.
Honors in the Major
Some majors offer departmental honors. Students may enroll in their major's honors program provided they earn the major’s required GPA standards and the approval of the major department. Students participating in the honors program in their major may enroll in fewer than 13 units in order to work on a thesis. Honors in the major is noted on the transcript and diploma. Visit your Undergraduate Major Adviser (UMA) for more information.
Honors to Date
An Honors to Date notation on the transcript indicates completion of at least 12 letter-graded units and a cumulative GPA equivalent to that required for Distinction in General Scholarship.
L&S did not award honors-to-date in Spring 2020.
Dean's Honors List
The Dean's Honors List recognizes outstanding academic achievement each fall and spring semester. To earn Dean's Honors for a semester, the criteria are:
13* or more letter-graded units in that semester
Semester GPA in the top 10% of L&S undergraduates
No disqualifying grades that semester (I, NR, or NP grades or courses for which no grades have been submitted).
Beginning Spring 2013, after each term, "Dean's honors" is noted on the student's transcript automatically by the Registrar for students who meet the above criteria.
There was no Dean's Honors List in Spring 2020.
*Beginning fall 2024, students approved for a reduced course load due to caregiver responsibilities, paid employment, or eligibility through the Disabled Students’ Program are eligible for the Dean’s Honors List as long as they complete, on a letter-graded basis, the minimum number of units approved and meet the other criteria. Please see web page on Unit Minimum & Maximum in a Semester for more information and minimum unit requirements.