Title: L&S College Adviser
Math and Physical Sciences
Make an appointment:
To make a virtual appointment with this adviser, book here.
Joined the L&S Office of Undergraduate Advising in:
October 2021
M.Ed. Counseling/Student Affairs, Northern Arizona University
B.A. Psychology, California State University San Bernardino
What is your approach to advising?
My approach to advising is student centered and holistic. As an advisor, I have the privilege to empower, support, and guide my students through their journeys here at UC Berkeley. I aim to assist students in obtaining their definition of success and to thrive as global citizens.
How did you get here?
I was first introduced to Higher Education and Student Affairs as a Resident Assistant at my undergraduate institution. As a first generation student, getting involved and finding community was crucial to my success as an academic and student leader. This experience shaped my passion for helping students thrive through their academic journeys. I continued to foster my passion for supporting and guiding students by obtaining a masters degree in Counseling and Student Affairs. After completing my graduate degree I began working for UC Berkeley in the Housing Department and eventually transitioned to advising with L&S Advising. I truly enjoy working with Cal Students. Their tenacity and passion inspires me to continue doing what I love.
What advice do you have for L&S students in general?
I have two tips for all students:
1) If you need help, ASK! There is no shame in asking for help, particularly when navigating your academic career. You and your experience are important and worthy of support. Help us help you by reaching out.
2) Get involved in some of the extracurriculars UC Berkeley has to offer! Often graduate schools and employers are looking for students who not only get good grades, but are well rounded and can speak to their lived experiences as a student. So get involved, try new things, meet new people, and look for ways to discover Berkeley outside of the classroom.
About me
I was born and raised in SoCal and currently call the East Bay home. I am an extroverted introvert who really enjoys watching netflix, grabbing coffee/food with friends, visiting family, and snuggling with my dog Daisy.